Learn more about the top food industry trends in 2024

The food industry is constantly evolving and trends are continually shaping and redefining consumer preferences and market dynamics. In 2024, several key trends are expected to dominate, reflecting changes in consumer behavior, technological advances, and increased environmental awareness. This article, written by the Vira team, examines the most influential food trends of the year and provides insights into what industry professionals and food enthusiasts can expect.

1. The position of vegetables and alternative proteins in the food industry

One of the most important trends in the food industry is the increase in vegetable and alternative proteins. With consumers’ increasing health and environmental awareness, the demand for meat substitutes continues to grow. According to Exploding Topics, searches for “plant-based” have increased 138% in the past five years. This growth is attributed to health concerns, ethical considerations, and environmental factors.

Vegetable protein foods

Beyond traditional plant proteins such as soy and pea, new alternatives are also emerging. For example, companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are constantly innovating to improve the taste and texture of their products. Additionally, advances in cell farming have paved the way for lab-grown meat that promises to offer the same taste and nutritional benefits as traditional meat without the environmental drawbacks.

2. Functional foods and beverages

Consumers are increasingly looking for foods and beverages that provide additional health benefits in addition to basic nutrition. Functional foods that are fortified with additional nutrients or designed to provide specific health benefits are growing in popularity. This includes products that are enriched with probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, and minerals.

Functional drinks

Exploding Topics shows that searches for “functional drinks” have increased by 257% in the past five years. Drinks infused with adaptogens, nootropics, and CBD are especially popular as they cater to consumers seeking stress reduction, cognitive enhancement, and overall wellness.

3. Sustainability and ethical sourcing in the food industry

Sustainability remains a critical driver in the food industry. Consumers are more concerned than ever about the environmental impact of their food choices. This has led to increased demand for sustainably sourced products, eco-friendly packaging, and reduced food waste.

Environmentally sustainable foods

Brands are responding to these needs by adopting more sustainable practices. For example, recycled food products that use materials that would otherwise be thrown away are becoming popular. According to a report by the Recycled Food Association, the market for recycled food will grow from $46.7 billion in 2019 to $97 billion by 2030.

4. Technology integration in the food industry

Technology plays an increasingly vital role in the food industry from production to delivery. Innovations such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain are transforming how food is grown, processed, and tracked in the supply chain.

Application of Internet of Things in the food industry

AI-based tools are being used to optimize agricultural practices, improve food safety, and predict consumer trends. Meanwhile, blockchain technology increases transparency and traceability, ensuring that consumers have access to accurate information about the source and path of their food.

5. Ghost kitchens and outdoor restaurants

The rise of ghost kitchens and outdoor restaurants is another notable trend. These facilities, which focus solely on preparing food for delivery, have become popular due to the convenience and efficiency they offer. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this trend and shows no signs of slowing down.

Restaurants outside

According to a report by Euromonitor, the ghost kitchen market will reach one trillion dollars by 2030. This growth is due to increased demand for food delivery services that offer consumers the convenience of enjoying restaurant-quality meals at home.

6. Flavors and cultural combinations

Consumers have become more adventurous with their taste buds and are seeking new and exciting flavors from around the world. This has led to the rise in popularity of cultural and hybrid cuisines such as Korean barbecue, Indian street food, or Mexican-Korean fusion with global flavors.

Different food cultures

Exploding Topics notes that searches for “global flavors” have increased 95% in the past five years. This trend reflects a growing curiosity and appreciation for diverse culinary traditions and innovative flavor combinations.

7. Health and wellness trends in the food industry

Health is still at the forefront of consumer preferences. In addition to functional foods, there is a growing interest in personalized nutrition and diets tailored to a person’s health needs and genetic profile. Wearable health technologies and apps that provide personalized dietary recommendations are becoming commonplace.

Additionally, the ketogenic (keto) and paleo diets remain popular, with consumers looking for low-carb, high-fat, and high-protein options. According to the International Food Information Council’s 2023 Food and Health Survey, 20% of consumers have followed a specific diet or eating pattern in the past year, with keto and paleo among the top choices.

8. Alcohol substitutes

With the growing curiosity movement towards alcohol-free lifestyles, the demand for non-alcoholic beverages is increasing. Alternatives to alcohol, such as soft drinks, beers, and wines, have become mainstream and cater to consumers seeking a social drinking experience without the alcohol content.

Alcohol substitutes

According to a report by Distill Ventures, the global soft drinks market will grow by 31% annually from 2020 to 2024. This growth is due to changing attitudes towards alcohol consumption and a greater focus on health.

9. Regenerative agriculture

Regenerative agriculture, which focuses on restoring soil health and biodiversity, is gaining popularity as a sustainable farming practice. Unlike traditional agriculture, which can deplete soil nutrients, regenerative agriculture techniques aim to improve soil quality, enhance ecosystem services, and increase resilience to climate change.

modern agriculture

Consumers are increasingly aware of the benefits of regenerative agriculture, and brands are highlighting the use of these practices as a selling point. According to a report by the Organic Regenerative Coalition, the market for these products will reach $15.6 billion by 2025.

10. Food transparency and labeling

Transparency in food sourcing and labeling is more important than ever. Consumers want to know where their food comes from, how it was produced, and what ingredients are in it. Clear and honest labeling helps build trust and allows consumers to make informed choices.

Food labeling

Efforts to improve transparency include the use of QR codes on packaging that provide detailed product information. Organic and non-GMO product certifications and initiatives such as the Clean Label Project, aim to ensure that food products are free of harmful contaminants.


The food industry in 2024 will be characterized by a strong focus on health, sustainability, and innovation. From plant-based proteins to regenerative agriculture, the trends shaping the industry reflect a shift toward more conscious and informed consumer choices. As technology continues to advance and consumer preferences change, the industry will undoubtedly continue to innovate and adapt, offering new and exciting products and experiences for everyone.

With these trends in mind, industry professionals can better navigate the changing landscape, respond to consumer demands, and contribute to a more sustainable and health-oriented future.

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